Staying in and baking doesn’t mean having to order lots of equipment online before you start . The Easy Peasy Baking Campaign has come up with some tip and equipment swaps, so you’ll be baking ready in no time – just from your everyday household items.....
We bring you their super advice - ideal for us who want to bake egg free and dairy free too!

Use a wine bottle as a rolling pin (a full or empty bottle – it’s your choice!)
No need for fancy cookie cutters, a glass or cup works just as well!
Simply does it – swap out a fork for a whisk.
No need to panic about not having a proper cooling rack – a grill tray will do the job just fine!
Pastry brushes can be swapped for paper towels (or even clean fingers) for greasing.
Why not swap out rice, flour, or even coins on top of baking paper instead of investing in baking beans?
No piping bag? No problem! Cut the corner of a sandwich bag to create your very own piping bag at home.
Simply whip dairy free cream by shaking it in a jar – you won’t miss the electric hand whisk!
For those without a muffin or a cupcake tray, simply try cutting squares of baking or parchment paper and squashing over a pint glass, or use empty tins as makeshift cases.
Save time chopping nuts – and not with a blender. Simply pop them in a bag (take out the air!) and bash with a heavy object until crushed!
Set oven shelves at the correct height, before you turn the oven on.
Before you begin anything, assemble all your ingredients and equipment and read the recipe – TWICE.

Always match your tins to the size stated in the recipe.
Test your baking powder by putting a small amount into warm water – it should go frothy!
Wet your hands before working with something gooey like gingerbread or flapjacks to stop the mixture sticking to your hands.
Pop toothpicks in a line around the sides of your cake and use them to guide a bread knife to cut even layers.
When cutting brownies, flapjacks or other sticky foods – heat your knife in hot water first.
Not all gone to plan? Have no fear – you also can find helpful all over on the FAB Flour website.