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The Inspirational Actor and Voice for The Animals Peter Egan Tells Us How He Celebrates His Vegan Christmas


Thanks for chatting with us today Peter – we know how super busy you are….. so first things first …. what is a typical Christmas day like for you?

A typical Christmas day for me is much like any other really. I don’t mean to make it sound boring because I find most days fascinating anyway. Christmas, as we know it, is very much a time for young children in terms of the element of wonderment, anticipation and surprise but when that innocent energy has been outgrown then it becomes a day of warmth, kindness and communication. So I would say that a typical Christmas day for me is avoiding all of the commercial hype and concentrating on spending time with those you really care, friends and..of course..our dogs.

That sounds perfect Peter…. now as a passionate vegan we are keen to hear….. what is your go to Christmas Day menu?

My go to Christmas day menu is one that I now look forward to everyday of the week. It is one that celebrates life in it’s most complete sense. When you take death off your plate everyday is a celebration. My transition to a plant based lifestyle is something I celebrate on a daily basis. So I eat food everyday which makes me happy. So my go to Christmas day menu will be one that involves all of the roasted veggies and none of the animal products. I love pan-Asian food..I love Mediterranean food.. there are so many choices. I’ll post a pic of my meal on the day..(-:)

Can not wait to see you Peter!! So how do you get in a festive mood?!

I don’t work on getting into a festive mood. I really don’t need an allocated day to be festive.. I don’t mean to sound pedantic or overly serious.. but all life is so precious just thinking about kindness and compassion opens the door to festivity at any time for me.

That’s so moving Peter…. how does it feel having a vegan Christmas?

It feels sensational.

It sure does!! What’s the best Christmas pressie someone has ever given you – or the worst?!

I tend not to be judgemental about presents. However someone once gave me a can of air.. which as it happened turned out to be a thoughtful present when we consider what is happening to our earth’s atmosphere!

How did you transition from a non vegan Christmas to a vegan Christmas? Did you find it challenging?

I found the transition only challenging because there are so many hidden animal products in items that we buy and the labelling is inadequate.. but that’s getting better all the time. I think that there should be clear labelling on all animal products particularly in relation to how meat is sourced and should be clear whether the slaughter is Halal..Kosher or  stunned. Hopefully it would make people consider more carefully how the meat they eat arrives on the shelf and in turn lead them to a more compassionate lifestyle.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about going vegan now and having their first vegan Christmas?

I would encourage them to try and make it as interesting as possible by researching the wonderful array of food that is now on offer in the Vegan section of most good food outlets.

Anything else would you like to add?

I think our world is in a very strange place at the moment. I truly believe that the only thing that will save our wonderful planet and all species with whom we share if we seriously engage with the changes we have to make in order to renew and regenerate our soil and our atmosphere. We need to celebrate all life. That is what it means to me to be an ethical vegan. It is the most creative and compassionate lifestyle and I love it.

Thanks Peter – we are so lucky to have your amazing support – you are much loved and an incredible voice for the animals.

Wishing you a relaxing vegan Christmas.

To follow Peters fantastic work check out his Facebook page and Twitter.


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