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A Vegan Christmas With Adamski and Nana


We chat with the the legendary Adamski! Stunning DJ, musician, singer and record producer. We first met Adamski at VegfestUK Bristol and his performance was incredible. We chat with him about his plans for his vegan Christmas.

Thanks for chatting with us Adamski! So tell us what is a typical Christmas day like for you?

In recent years it has been working at the crisis at Christmas homeless initiative in East London with maybe an Xmas lunch or dinner before or after depending on our shifts…this year we will be in our cuckoo clock house in the Vienna Woods so not sure really ….

That’s amazing to hear…. can you tell us what is your go to Christmas day menu?

A typical English Xmas dinner minus cruelty … something textured like a nut roast  is nice but I smother everything in cranberry sauce anyway so I’m not really that bothered about the missing body parts element … I love Brussel sprouts and roast parsnips …always have….my wife spends at least 5 hours (the day before) making amazing gravy …God knows what goes in it but it makes everything taste of Christmas….

So how do you get in a festive mood?

I just usually am!

Hahaha! Yes we thought so! How does it feel having a vegan Christmas?

It feels wonderful but also a bit sad to think of the many many Christmasses that revolved around the misery and death of others for my selfish little taste buds.

Well you are vegan now and making a huge difference. We know here at VeggieVision TV how passionate you are about it too…… What’s the best Christmas pressie someone has ever given you – or the worst?!

I think the best one was a Casiotone MT40 keyboard when I was 14 …. I say that cos I’ve just started using again nearly 4 decades later …it has a wicked factory pre-set bassline  that was used in a lot of Jamaican dancehall tunes in the 80’s.

I’m sure I’ve received many vile  garments over the years from people with good intentions but didn’t understand my taste.

How did you transition from a non vegan Christmas to a vegan Christmas? Did you find it challenging?

Not really ….since making the ‘connect’ I’d rather eat stale bread than animal carcasses or secretions….and being a compulsive eater  it’s kind of a relief to have limitations on the chocolate options…

What advice would you give to someone thinking about going vegan now and having their first vegan Christmas?

Follow Earthing Ed.

Anything else would you like to add?

Merry Christmas and I hope 2021 is not so grim as this year.

We hope so too Adamski and Nana! Wishing you both a relaxing Christmas and fingers crossed a very Happy New Year!

Check out Adamski’s website, Facebook and Insta!

You can also hear his incredible Animal Love remix of Nu Human from The Wake Up Experience here too.

2020 saw the 30yr anniversary release FREE TO KILL AGAIN, featuring 10 new interpretations of his classic track ‘Killer’ with guest features by Boy George, Nina Hagen, Adrian Sherwood, Mykki Blanco, as well as a number of exciting up and comers.

Also click here to see Adamski’s interview on VegFestUK Chat!

Festive image by Tom Hunter.


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